Employment Opportunities

Teaching Staff Openings

Carney-Nadeau Public School is currently seeking  highly qualified teachers for the positions listed below to begin at the start of the 2024-25 school year.  We offer a competitive salary, comprehensive benefits, small class sizes, a friendly and welcoming staff, consistent leadership in well-maintained facilities, and we would love for you to be part of our team.  Interested candidates are highly encouraged to email a cover letter, transcripts, copy of current certificates, and references to Superintendent Adam Cocco at acocco@cnps.k12.mi.us.  This position posting will remain open until filled

High-School and Junior High Math

Support Staff

Carney-Nadeau Public School is currently seeking applicants for an Assistant Cook position to begin in January, 2025. Anyone interested in applying is strongly encouraged to send a cover letter and resume to Superintendent Adam Cocco via email at acocco@cnps.k12.mi.us by 3:30 pm on Monday, December 16th. In the interim, please call us here in the office at 906-398-3052 if you would like additional information.
Carney-Nadeau Public School is currently seeking bus drivers for a daily route am/pm route.  Anyone interested is strongly encouraged to call us here in the main office (906-398-3052) or to email Superintendent Adam Cocco at acocco@cnps.k12.mi.us.


Carney-Nadeau is currently seeking substitutes for the following positions:


Bus Drivers

Support Staff (Instructional Aide, Kitchen, Custodial, etc)

Any person interested in applying for these positions please contact Superintendent Adam Cocco either via email (acocco@cnps.k12.mi.us) or by phone (906-398-3052).